Joe White's Blog Life, .NET, and cats

System.ComponentModel #.NET #sharplayout

So I'm finally entering the blogging arena. Mostly 'cause I spent most of this afternoon looking for an article I knew I'd read before, but couldn't find, and that had fallen off my browser history. See, if I had a blog, I would've just linked to it when I first found it. (Now I just need to talk the rest of my development team into starting their own blogs too, so they can help sift through all the interesting RSS feeds.)

Anyway, here's the article: System.ComponentModel. Everything you ever wanted to know about the System.ComponentModel namespace, Component, IComponent, ISite, IContainer, IServiceContainer, GetService, AmbientProperties, etc.

I want a way to share the color settings among all the FlowLinkLabels on a form, in a fairly automatic way, and I'm thinking this article might get me there. We'll see.